Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Inchies From Anne Wilson

Inchies, originally uploaded by Anne Wilson1.
These adorable little inchies are just a teaser for all the beautiful creations at Anne's flickr where you will also find pieces ready for trade.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Quilling paper picture Flowers

This is amazing.. This is paper quilling. This is from Creartive Shop's Flickr Photostream, and you can also find other pieces of incredible art at their website for sale.
"Paper Quilling or paper filigree is an art form that involves the use of strips of paper that are rolled, shaped, and glued together to create decorative designs. The paper is wound around a quill to create a basic coil shape. The paper is then glued at the tip and the coil shaped, these shaped coils are arranged to form flowers, leaves, and various ornamental patterns similar to ironwork.'

Monday, December 7, 2009

star twist, folded from flecked momogami paper.

This amazing piece of wonder is from Eric Gjerde at his flickr photostream. Isn't it wonderful! I found this while searching out cool stars for the holiday season that is upon us.
Eric is a self described Geek who is "fascinated by all things technological" and is a "paperologist" and is
into origami, and especially into very technical folding (often referred to as origami sekkei, or "technical paper folding".) Totally cool stuff! Check out Eric's Flickr Photostream to find the results of his "obsession"!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Shabby Chicness In Inches

More Shabby Chicness, originally uploaded by sonyao.
This adorable collection if from Sonya's  flickr Photostream. Sonya has an Etsy store at Blackberry Studio, where she sells her jewelry desings.  Love It!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Altered Journal

This is from Altered Angel's Flickr Photostream. I love the colors~ Altered Angel lives in Epson Surrey in England.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Handmade postcard

Handmade postcard Tag, originally uploaded by Lhise.
This handmade beauty is from Lhis collection, who currently lives in  pres de Bordeaux, France
  and was sent from Dees.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

ATC's of the Day

ATC da Valeriaz83, originally uploaded by ladycupcake80.
These creations are the artwork of Silvia in Italy and can be found at her flickr photostream. She has an adorable blog Rainbow in the Dark.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Then I'll Be Happy

Then I'll Be Happy, originally uploaded by wackystuff.
Wackystuff It at it again! Check out is ATC's from his recycled mail art.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Displaying ATC's

I found this adorable display of ATC's at Serendipity Patchwork and Quilting, and was created by Erica at Creative Dabbling.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Pointy Hats and Crowns Swap

from Christie in Organ
From Bonnie

From Papersaga in Arizona
These are my three swap ATC's that I received in the mail yesterday.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Paper Corner Bookmarks

These adorable corner bookmarks are from Denise at her beautiful blog Look Beyond The Picket Fence. Check out this great blog for many more pictures of this neat paper craft.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

I'm Feeling Vintage Freebies

You'll find some beautiful Vintage flower pages over at Free Scrapbooking Supplies. You'll also find many more fantastic freebies.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Wackystuff is a Great Place To Be

In the world of Ephemera and all things paper it doesn't get much better than
Stuff by Wackystuff. You'll find all kinds of creative wackiness that is sure to inspire all your creative juices. There are Wacky Links with even more places to explore. Wackystuff at Flickr is tons of fun, not to mention all the links to swaps and art mail calls.
Be sure to check it out, you'll be glad you did~

Monday, August 3, 2009

Artsy Fartsy Queen's Freebies

Melody over at her flickr photostream has an awesome treat for all Paper Artists. Mrs. Artsy Fartsy Queen has yummy downloads for the taking that are only available for a short time. There are fishies, tickets, vintage fashion, vintage portraits of men, women, and children, there's even some spooky stuff. Plus melody has the above ATC's and many more ready for swaps.She also has some great Collage sheets at her Etsy Store. Go check it out, You'll be glad you did~

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Digital Scrapbooking Du Jour

This is from the French blog psychopathe du dig so use the google translator is you need to. There is tons of cool stuff on this blog and freebies. Yippee